Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate
Mayank Patel (IIT Kharagpur, 2020 - )
Akash Dusane (IIT Kharagpur, 2020 - )
Yi Zheng (Beihang University, 2020 -) , co-authored one EACL long paper
Xiwu Han (Postdoc 2016-2018, now at
Vincent Bodinier (Research Assistant 2015, now software developer at Warwick University)
Christopher Coe (Research Assistant 2015, nowt at Rockstar Games)
Isa Guclu (2020, Co-supervised by Martin Kollingbaum, now at Indeed)
Rui Mao (2020, Co-supervised by Frank Guerin, now at Amazon)
Xiao Li (2019, Co-supervised by Kees van Deeemter, now Postdoc at Sheffield)
Emmanuel Ibeke (2018, Co-supervised by Adam Wyner, now Lecturer at Robert Gordon University)
Agung Wibowo (2019, Co-supervised by Advaith Siddharthan and Judith Masthoff, now Senior Lecturer at Telkom University)
Mohamad Hardyman Barawi (2019, Co-supervised by Advaith Siddharthan, now Lecturer at the University of Malaysia, Sarawak)
Julius Cepukenas (Master of Research (MRes) with Distinction 2015, Co-supervised by Derek Sleeman, now at Bentley Systems)
Patrick Casey (BSci 2016, now at IBM)
Christopher Coe (BSc 2016, nowt at Rockstar Games)
Cyril Danilevski (MSc 2015 , now at European XFE)
Théo Morel (Télécom Saint-Etienne, 2018, now Engineer at Ministry of Armed Forces, France)
Nicolas Foulon (National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Center, 2016, now Product Manager at MeilleursAgents)